Sunday 16 September 2012



Step-down transformers (X1 and X2), two
6V relays (RL1 and RL2), an LDR, a
transistor, and a few other passive components.
When switches S1 and S2 are
activated, transformer X1, followed by a
full-wave rectifier and smoothing capacitor
C1, drives relay RL1 through the
laser switch.
The laser beam should be aimed continuously
on LDR. As long as the laser
beam falls on LDR, transistor T1 remains
forward biased and relay RL1 is
thus in de-energised condition. When a
person crosses the line of laser beam,
relay RL1 turns on and transformer X2
gets power supply and RL2
energises. In this condition,
the laser beam will have no
effect on LDR and the alarm
will continue to operate as long
as switch S2 is on.
When the torch is switched
on, the pointed laser beam is
reflected from a definite point/
place on the periphery of the
house. Making use of a set of
properly oriented mirrors
one can form an invisible net
of laser rays as shown in the
block diagram. The final ray
should fall on LDR of the
Note. LDR should be kept
in a long pipe to protect it from
other sources of light, and
its total distance from the
source may be kept limited to
500 metres.
Here is a low-cost, invisible laser
circuit to protect your house
from thieves or trespassers. A
laser pointer torch, which is easily available
in the market, can be used to operate
this device.
The block diagram of the unit shown
in Fig. 1 depicts the overall arrangement
for providing security to a house.
A laser torch powered by 3V powersupply
is used for generating a laser
beam. A combination of plain mirrors
M1 through M6 is used to direct the
laser beam around the house to form a
net. The laser beam is directed to finally
fall on an LDR that forms part of
the receiver unit as shown in Fig. 2.
Any interruption of the beam by a thief/
trespasser will result into energisation
of the alarm. The 3V power-supply circuit
is a conventional full-wave rectifier-
filter circuit. Any alarm unit that
operates on 230V AC can be connected
at the output.
The receiver
unit comprises
two identical


The Passive Aircraft Receiver is basically an amplified "crystal radio" designed to receive nearby AM aircraft transmissions. The "passive" design uses no oscillators or other RF circuitry capable of interfering with aircraft communications so it should be fine inside the cabin of the aircraft. Nevertheless, check the regulations before using this receiver on a commercial airliner. New security regulations probably prohibit this device on commercial flights. Do not expect to hear two-way aircraft transmissions with this receiver! It is a short-range receiver only.


Infrared motion detector cicuit


This circuit healps you to trnsmite via FM ,about 2km range


Shadow activated motion detector

Running Message Display

Running Message Display         
 Light emitting diodes are advan- tageous due to their smaller size, low current consumption and catchy colours they emit. Here is a running message display circuit wherein the letters formed by LED arrangement light up progressively. Once all the letters of the message have been lit up, the circuit gets reset. The circuit is built around Johnson decade counter CD4017BC (IC2). One of the IC CD4017BE’s features is its provision of ten fully decoded outputs, making the IC ideal for use in a whole range of sequencing operations. In the circuit only one of the outputs remains high and the other outputs switch to high state successively on the arrival of each clock pulse. The timer NE555 (IC1) is wired as a 1Hz astable multivibrator which clocks the IC2 for sequencing operations. On reset, output pin 3 goes high and drives transistor T7 to ‘on’ state. The output of transistor T7 is connected to letter ‘W’ of the LED word array (all LEDs of letter array are connected in parallel) and thus letter ‘W’ is illuminated. On arrival of first clock pulse, pin 3 goes low and pin 2 goes high. Transistor T6 conducts and letter ‘E’ lights up. The preceding letter ‘W’ also remains lighted because of forward biasing of transistor T7 via diode D21. In a similar fashion, on the arrival of each successive pulse, the other letters of the display are also illuminated and finally the complete word becomes visible. On the following clock pulse, pin 6 goes to logic 1 and resets the circuit, and the sequence repeats itself. The frequency of sequencing operations is controlled with the help of potmeter VR1.
The display can be fixed on a veroboard of suitable size and connected to ground of a common supply (of 6V to 9V) while the anodes of LEDs are to be connected to emitters of transistors T1 through T7 as shown in the circuit. The above circuit is very versatile and can be wired with a large number of LEDs to make an LED fashion jewellery of any design. With two circuits connected in a similar fashion, multiplexing of LEDs can be done to give a moving display effect

Saturday 15 September 2012

wire locator

Induction Receiver
The induction receiver shown below is very sensitive and can serve a variety of purposes. It is excellent for tracing wiring behind walls, receiving audio from an induction transmitter, hearing lightning and other electric discharges, and monitoring a telephone or other device that produces an audio magnetic field ("telephone pickup coil").
The receiving coil could be a "telephone pickup coil" if available or a suitable coil from some other device. The coil in the prototype was salvaged from a surplus 24 volt relay. Actually, two relays were needed since the first was destroyed in the attempt to remove the surrounding metal so that a single solenoid remained. Epoxy putty was used to secure the thin wires and the whole operation was a bit of a challenge. A reed relay coil will give reduced sensitivity but would be much easier to use. The experimentally inclined might try increasing the inductance of a reed relay by replacing the reed switch with soft iron.  Avoid shielded inductors or inductors with iron pole pieces designed to concentrate the magnetic field in a small area or confine it completely (as in a relay or transformer) unless you can remove the iron. The resulting coil should be a simple solenoid like wire wrapped around a nail. Don't try to wind your own - it takes too many turns.  Evaluate several coils simply by listening. Coils with too little inductance will sound "tinny" with poor low frequency response and other coils will sound muffled, especially larger iron core coils. This prototype was tested with a large 100 mH air core coil with superb results but the 2 inch diameter was just too big for this application.
The other components are not particularly critical. The 2N4401 can be just about any NPN general purpose small-signal transistor. The TL431 is a shunt voltage regulator but it is being used as an audio amplifier in this circuit. In fact, the whole device is nothing more than a low noise, high gain audio amplifier with a pickup coil connected to the input and other amplifiers will work equally well.

The circuit is built into a 8 mm cassette box with the power switch and earphone jack in the back. The circuit board is a piece of pink countertop laminate which looks good against the violet hue of the cassette box. The battery fits nicely into the box and a piece of foam fills in the remaining space. These video cassette boxes make nice project boxes, unlike audio cassette boxes which are too flimsy.

High temperature indicator circuit

High temperature indicator circuit
In some areas there is a need of temperature detectors which help them to detect temperature and indicate them whether the temperature is low or not.
Below shown circuit is the simple high temperature indicator circuit. It will not show the current temperature but if it exceeds some threshold temperature it will detect and indicate. You can use this circuit anywhere you needed.

High temperature indicator circuit
The components needed for the circuit are:
  • 3 Resistors
  • 1 Temperature dependent resistor
  • 5v battery
  • Two 1n4007 diodes
  • One Op-Amp
  • One LED
And the circuit working is actually very simple, the Op-amp is connected as Non-inverting comparator. And a bridge circuit is made with the resistors and a Temperature Dependent Resistor. From above circuit R1, R2 and R3 are normal resistors but RT is Temperature Dependent Resistor.
The bridge resistance and RT are selected in such a way that as long as temperature is less than threshold value, the bridge is unbalanced by making Voltage at B more than voltage at A . Hence Vo = -Vsat and LED is reverse biased and remains OFF. When temperature becomes more than threshold then Voltage at B becomes less that Voltage at A hence it drives Vo = +Vsat. Due to this, LED glows and gives high temperature indication.
If you have any doubts about the above circuit, don’t hesitate to comment.

220 v blinking LED circuit

220V blinking LED circuit
This is a simple blinking led circuit powered from 220V that can be used to mark special places or as voltage indicator. The voltage from the mains charges the capacitor through R1 resistor and D1 diode.
As long as the capacitor’s voltage doesn’t exceeds the diac’s switching voltage the cap is acting as a blocked diode. After reaching the switching voltage the diac is conducting and the cap’s discharging current lights up the LED.

The blinking frequency of the LED depends mostly on the RC time constant (in this case T = 11 seconds). The capacitor’s voltage must be a little bit higher than the diac’s breakover voltage.
220 volts blinking LED schematic